Friday, March 13, 2009

Jordans Birthday/Kaylees Solo

Jordans 2nd Birthday was Feb 27, and its so fun to see how much he is growing up! He is just learning to talk and jabbering all over the place. Jordan is my silliest of all the kids, and keeps up laughing all the time. I cant' wait to hear what is going on in his head. He loved his toys, but kept going back to shoot on his old hoop! It always happens that way doens't it? Like Jaxon used to do, Jordan stands in front of his hoop and shoots all day. His favorite tv shows are Barney, and any basketball game dad is watching. Seriously, he wont sit still for any other cartoon, but will fall asleep to basketball!

Earlier that same day, Kaylee had her first competition of the season. She performed her first solo. I was a wreck! I couldnt' sleep for 2 nights, and couldn't sit still until her performance was over. I knew she was going to do absolutly wonderful, she had practiced so hard, but I was stilll nervous. I really can't explain it..... But she did do wonderful and she took first place Queen! It was so awsome!

I love this picture because after she was done, I ran backstage, (i dont think im supposed to do that....) but I was so happy she did so well and you can just see in her face how energized she was and I could tell she was so proud of herself. It was SO SO SO Special for Kaylee that Brianne was there. Brianne made up her solo and they have been working on it for so long. Brianne lives in LA, and so kaylee knew it just wasnt' going to work for Brianne to be there. Last miniute Brianne got to come to town to help Stubbs out with her make up show, (explains the feathers and heavy eyeshadow!) and so she was able to suprise Kaylee right before she went on. I havent' seen KK so excited in a long time! She looks up to Brianne so much and wants to be just like her. So I think that gave her the energy to perform so well. Thanks so much Brianne.

One other thing, KK's class did two other numbers, and one of them got 1st palce, overall, That ment out of 70 dances, they won 1st place. I love being a mom to Kaylee, it so fun to do this "girly" stuff.