Monday, January 28, 2008

This is funny, we went tubing up American Fork Canyon. The kids could have stayed all day. Jeff and I on the other hand, we didn't dress nearly as warm as we should have so we have frost bite.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Christmas was so fun!! This is right before the kids got to see what Santa left for them. Look at Jaxon. I laughed for so long at this picture! I think that the lack of sleep the night before has gotten him a bit confused!!

Christmas morning was a success. Santa did pretty good considering the kids continued to change and add to the list up until Christmas Eve. Case and point...... BUMBLEBEE!! That is a story that we wont ever forget! 2 weeks before Christmas, Jaxon decided that he had to have the Bumbleebee Transformer. I had seen those in Costco for months and passed them by thinking I had no need for them. *sigh* So we get ahold of one on Ebay. You know those people that hog up all the hot toys for the season and then try to make a buck, or MORE off a kids Christmas list...... Well that's who we were dealing with. We made the point very clear that we needed by Christmas and we would pay to upgrade to overnight shipping. Well 4 days before Christmas this grinch informs us that he mailed it and it should get to us by DECEMBER 27!!!! AHHHH PANIC! He is a Jerk and has no consideration for the situation and taunts us by saying how much fun his kid will have opening his on Christmas, and it is just as good on the 27th as it is on the 25th. Anyway He and Jeff go back and forth for awhile and finally Jeff decides to use his blog as a little "revenge" He asks his readers for a Christmas this guy and let him know what kind of person does this to a 4 year old on Christmas. Apparently hundreds and hundreds of emails were sent and you could imagine how mad he was!! I loved it. I was so mad at him. BUT....the day we found out this wasnt' going to get to us in time we found a wonderful lady who was willing to express overnight to us and we should get it Christmas Eve. So with 2 transformers on there way, we were hoping we would get at least one. We did. Christmas eve we got one and the rest is history. You can see Jeff trying to put the complicated thing together!

Then off to my Mom and Dads. We made out with some great gifts. We missed Jessica and her family, and Monica and her crew, but we sure had good times with the karaoke! Watch the video of Amy and my Dad....Karaoke at its finest

Having a good time yet?? This is how parents typically look by noon. (we do anyway)

Christmas at Kohlers is always a hit. The kids were spoiled as always and had a blast!