Friday, November 21, 2008

Old town Nauvoo

Little Briannie all grown up. Her wedding has finally come and gone. She probably thought it would never get here. Jared and Brianne and the cutest couple and watching him look at her confirms that he loves her so much. And vice versa (its just that I was facing Jared in the sealing room, not brianne. :) Brianne chose to forgo the hoopla of a huge reception and just take the family and a few close friends to Nauvoo. Where she has always hoped of being married. So off we went. It was a very special spiritual experiance. thanks Brianne, And of course Byron and Shauna

Dont ya just wanna eat those clouds. I bet they smell sooooo good! ummmm!

Carthage Jail where Joseph was martyerd through the top window on the side of the house. Such a special spirit here. I love visiting Carthage for that reason.

The whole group standing in front of the window I referenced earlier. Joseph was shot through this window.

The guys are waiting for the girls to get ready for the sealing. They are entertaining themselves with nothing other than football. We stayed at Hyrum Smiths farm house and it was so fun. We all fit very nicely. Brooke the photographer might disagree.....she got the honors of sleeping on that couch each night. ouch.......She was a good sport.

Here we are with our famous kiss pose. I used to be able to pull off a "kiss face" but for some reason I just look like an idiot. So oh well. It was so special to have all us girls there in the temple for the first time. Colton will be here shortly! (although it was fun to have colton come do baptisms with us :)

Jeff and me with the Mighty mississippi in the background. Its cool to think this is exactly what the saints saw as they looked out from the temple. I love to think we walked exactly where the early saints walked not long ago.

This temple is so beautiful. That is such an understatement. I am in awe of it each time I see it. I couldn't imagine having to watch something so beautiful be burned down as you are forced to leave. My camera didn't get a very good shot in the dark, but nevertheless it still takes my breath away.

So on our way out of Nauvoo we stopped in St. Louis. to see the amazing Arch. It was enormous! so enjoy some snapshots of St. louis.

You can go to the top of the arch. So we did. IN this little tiny egg thing, it creeps you to the top for some awsome views.

Up on top you get a great view of the Cardinals baseball stadium. The St. Louis Rams stadium is just off to the right, but it was just a dome so kinda boring.

From very far away you can get the entire shot.

Just one more shot for the girls............HA!


Brooke said...

so cute....Im sure you itching for your cute arch ones I have! I will get them asap :) you were way to fun and I love then hanging out will you guys! B

Michele said...

What a great trip for your family and especially Brianne and Jared! Grandma told me how fabulous everything was.
Loved seeing some of the pictures.

Very cute!


Kiley . Amy . Ava said...

Such a good trip. Brianee's just married..... I saw her today and she's pretty much married. I'm so ticked I wasn't there for the RITA pic, or is it REETA? Loved being in Nauvoo with the fam and both Grandmas!

R. M. LaFollette said...

I hope it is ok if I peek at your webpage. I love your family, and this helps me see another side! Hope you are well.