Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween night


Another Halloween has come and gone and we are left with SO much candy! I hate it, but I let the kids have a candy binge on Halloween night but then the next day I offer to buy the candy from the them. They both took me up on the offer, so now I have lots of candy.

Kaylee was Hannah Montana. So cute, she has that pose down so well. Jaxon was Iron Man and kept saying "this is the best day ever!" He was so excited to finally wear the costume to school. Jordan was buzz. The cutest Buzz ever. In fact Amy wants to dress him up at least once a week because he was so cute.

The kids had tons of fun going trick or treating with their friends the Shattucks.

After trick or treating we went to the grandparents. My moms house has so many leaves! It was so fun, the kids have never played in leaves before. We all had a good jump into the pile.

Jordans favorite buddy, Kiley.

Kaylees favorite shopping partner! Exept the part when amy hurt her foot in the mall and nearly fell to the floor in pain. Kaylee was slightly embarrased....

OK Amy and Mom, your going to love this video. Just so the rest of you can appreciate it.....we were following Jordan around ALL NIGHT at my moms trying to get the cutest picture. He was so cute walking around no picture was working. he wouldn't look at us long enough to get a good picture. So then we go to Sheryls and on Davids first request to smile.......sure enough jordan gives him the best smile forever! Im convinced he knows exactly what hes doing. :)


Michele said...

Everyone looks soo cute and it looks like a ton of fun.
It's great when they're this age because they're so excited about trick or treating. Fun times!

Didn't you go to a Halloween party??? Where's the pictures of those?? :)


Kiley . Amy . Ava said...

First of all, Kiley is so serious about coming to get the candy.... He's stoked:) And as for your kiddies- I'm pretty much steeling Jordan and his costume tonight! I can still see his wings flopping side to side with his back to everyone while running away. The little stinker- he's much too smart for his own good(the picture taking). Kaylee was the best Hannah Montana, sassy as always and looking about 16 years old. Jaxon was definitely in his element, loving his life as a super hero.

Thanks for the post! Pam greatly appreciates. And Michele's right- where are those pics of Mr. and Mrs. Incredible?

Kiley . Amy . Ava said...

....still laughing at Jordan's photo shoot at the kohlers. Way too funny.