Monday, November 24, 2008


WOW WOW WOW!!! I cant explain how much I enjoyed this show Sat night! I am a DIE HARD TORI fan, and it would take a great show to top hers......But Coldplay came very very close. Tori is still numero uno, but Coldplay rocks! We found awsome tickets, 20th row, and that makes any concert that much better. I might be out of town in the next week or two chasing them around the that I am a Coldplay groupie :)


Michele said...

I hear they are the great.

Glad you had a fun time.

Hey....Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


Kiley . Amy . Ava said...

Just rub it in..... I'm so mad we didn't go now. I don't even mind, bleeding ulcers(from the lesson) are way better than a RAD concert. Ya, I said rad.