Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ive been tagged!!

Ive officially been tagged so here it goes.....

1.What was I doing 10 years ago? Oh thats so funny you asked because I have been talking alot about this latley. 10 years ago in mid March (not sure what day excatly...) I got engaged! How crazy is that? Being a blonde back then, and i mean bleach blonde, and rockin my very favorite Ralph Lauren overalls and matching bag, I somehow thought that my purple contacts were the perfect accessory. Oh Man! And how can I forget driving my white Geo Prism that had no back window (the small little one) because we had to break it to find the keys I locked in there. I was also trying to find time to graduate, which I did.

3 things on my to do list:

(only 3??)
1. fill out my NCAA bracket
2. Get ready to leave for disneyland
3. Take the boys to the dr.

5 snacks I enjoy:

Cadbury mini choc eggs
Rockstar energy drinks
Cadbury mini choc eggs
Cadbury mini Choc eggs

3 bad habits:

Tivo and reality tv.
Staying up late
this habit drives Jeff crazy...that I drink 85% of my sodas, and for some reason I don't finish the rest. (its really because I think the rest is yucky backwash.)

5 places Ive lived
American Fork
Plano Texas (like 3 months)
Raintree in Provo
Saratoga Springs
Yeah I know B-O-R-I-N-G!!!!

5 Jobs
Taco Bell Hahahahahaha
Matrix Marketing, who hasnt'?
Good Earth, thanks todd and rachel
Wingers, Hostess, The worst thing after taco bell
Lowly CNA at Nursing home, i scored points in heaven for that job
Morgan Stanley
Harris Direct, DLJ, Credit Suisse First Bank, Bank of Montreal,

5 things you dont know about me......hmm thats hard, depending on who you are depends on what you know!!!

I Love Love the canyon, especially the provo canyon trail. I drag my kids up there and now
I want lots of kids. Lots for me is 5 or so, and I want to adopt someday
I love BYU football
I secretly resent all my sisters (except Amy now) for not living close to me. I can't talk about it........ :)
I cant' spell to save my life. no joke

That was fun. Now I tag Amy, Jessica and Brianne because you all haven't done yours yet, and Im adding Michelle. Can't wait to read all about yall


Monica Jackman said...

Oh goodie! I'm so glad you followed through with the tag- I knew I could count on you! I completely remember your overalls and purple eyes. The funny thing is that since you were the oldest we all thought whatever you wore was so cool- which is why everyone stole your clothes! Good times.

Jessica said...

yipee! I have been waiting and waiting to be tagged so I could talk about myself .....and then I read Monica's blog and I somehow missed my name, and now you, gosh I'm popular. Ok enough about you. Lets read about me. ( we all know I won't get around to that for about a week or so..just hang tight!)

Jessica said...

So on a more serious note. I laughed the entire time I read your tag. seriously, what where we thinking? Let's face it though, you were a fox in that tommy get-up. and the overalls, well lets just say I still might have a nice CK outfit in my closet.(hey, pregnant women can pull off anything.) Yeah, no one told me they went out of style because I swear I was sport'n it like 3 years ago!

Michele said...

This was fun....
I love Peeps too, but I just found out today that everyone in my family hates them except me.
Who knew? I thought they were great to put in their Easter baskets. Oh well, so much for that.

We definitely loved having you in Texas for those few months. Hey, at least you lived in another state for a moment. :)

Oh and thanks for Tagging me...I promise I'll get it done.

Happy Easter!


Sherilyn said...

Hi Amber,
I came across your blog and I love reading all about you and your darling family. I can't believe that Kaylee is 7 and so grown up! Where does the time go? I just know that you and your sisters were always in style and still are. I loved the snowmobiling blog and video. If only you were riding on a Polaris, Mike could use it to advertise! You have done a good job on your blog!
Sherilyn S.